There’s a huge senior population, but isolation and loneliness is still common,” he said. “And we’re also running out of caregivers, since most of them are getting older.” Can robots actually replace human interaction? When someone feels alone, lonely, isolated and have often outlived most friends. “Technology will change the way people age in America,” Mr. Smith said. “It’s going to drive every dimension of health or social isolation. Nursing homes were once where you’d go to die.” On one hand the goal will increase independence by programming robots to cook, clean and/or do laundry. This will allow senior to remain in their homes longer or Assisted Living facilities. While working with the geriatric population daily, I notice the loss of independence takes a mental toll often increasing symptoms of depression. One of the worst things we can do to someone is to make them feel more dependent on others to do things for them. Is there an upside to embracing this technology within ALFs or seniors at home?